Whether you have detailed dollification fantasy universes in your head (like me… oopsies) or whether you’ve just heard the term dollification thrown around, dollification can be a beautiful medium to experience D/s & power exchange through.
That doesn’t mean it’s not overwhelming! I am someone who has explored many facets of doll play and sometimes I struggle to define it.
Like many kinks there’s plenty of ways to approach it. You might want an irreversible transformation or you might simply like being called “doll”. It’s important to communicate these things with anyone you are planning to play with.
In this series I will be breaking down dollification
Today we will discuss:
♡ What is dollification?
♡ What dollification is not.
♡ Why choose dollification?
♡ An assignment for both dolls and Dollmakers
Dollification is the fetish and process of being transformed into and treated like a doll.
Dolls are a hugely subjective concept which means that Dolly play usually consists of lots of other subsets of play.
Go on: define a doll for me.
Plastic? Not all of them!
Still? Not if its an animatronic
Inhuman? So are monsters
See my point?
What it is:
The process of transformation into a doll
A dynamic defined by Dollmaker / doll (similar to Dominant / submissive or D/s for short)
A delicate yet dehumanising approach to objectification
A transformation
What it isn’t:
A latex kink (though that can be incorporated, we’ll talk about that later)
Some common types of dolls include rubber or latex dolls, ball jointed dolls, ragdolls and barbies but if something doesn’t exist yet: invent it.
It depends on the person but at the same time… where else in kink can you be entirely objectified and also cherished? There are elements of both in many dynamics but if it came down to one, its dollification every time.
The fact that the way you define doll in the first place is so elusive is a big part of the appeal to Dollmakers (like me!)
Dollification is a very creative kink, unlike other similar types of play like bimbofication where there’s already a formula. A doll is not held back by the bounds of gender, shapes, colour palette or a set of behaviours… a doll is just pretty pink potential falling into my hands like putty, waiting to be transformed.
For dollmakers & dolls alike: create a diagram or vision board defining your dream doll. You can use a tool such as pinterest or sketch a mind map by hand
If you’re a dolly, you can show this to your Dominant and create a scene around the ideas you’ve written down.
Don’t have a dollmaker yet? My books are open.
Until next time…
Yours in Love & Control,
Mx Willow Neptune